Monday, July 30, 2007

Which Republicans - if any -- Will Shoot Machine Guns At GOP Fundraiser?'

Great article, written by John Longnecker.

The problem with most Republicans is that they won’t stand up for what they stand for.

Let’s find out who is anatomically correct and who can reach around behind and locate their backbone.

I am speaking, of course, of the Republicans’ ability not to shoot their mouth off, but the inability to take sides. Candidates are not elected to be even-handed or to compromise – they are sent to Washington to be partisan, and right now, they stink at it.

This is a wonderful opportunity for Republicans to articulate what personal guns are all about and how they stand up for what guns are all about.

Gun Control and the repeal of all gun laws is conspicuously absent from the debates. Get it in the debates.

If they even understand. From reports of Rudy Giuliani’s stand on regulation of guns, it seems only one or two of them comprehends what the Founders had defeated and what they wrote to protect against forever. But who will show up to shoot a machine gun? I understand that one simply cannot.

The Fundraiser is a shoot August 5th in Manchester, New Hampshire, and it offers the chance to shoot machine guns, reportedly. The funny thing is that it’s not even about Guns – it’s about Liberty. Somebody take video for me.

Contact the Manchester Republican Committee at 603-867-6191. Praise to that Chapter for standing up for our values – Mainstream American values, as it turns out.

Toward this, I’ve donated some money to the cause so that, if Hizzoner Rudy Giuliani doesn’t attend, as reported in a news item which prompted this article, someone else can. In fact, five others can. I sent a paltry $125 for five 2008 Candidates to attend – you have to buy your own ammo – or, for the Fundraiser to pick someone else to take their place.

And the same must happen in Washington: If you don’t take the job, because you won’t take a position and stand behind it, then give up your seat and let someone else have it.

For cryin’ out loud, you’d think it was offensive or something to shoot a gun at a fundraiser. That’s some of that compromise and even-handedness. It’s a trap, of course, the liberals goad candidates into.

In fact, some of the Democrats – who are not anatomically incorrect and who are most partisan, can find their backbones and have no problem articulating their position. They’re wrong - Patriotism and understanding Original Intent is never in bad taste - but they have no problem enunciating that it is.

It’s a chance to learn more of what weapons are all about in this country, and for 2008 Candidates to show how much or how little they know. If they don’t understand what guns stand for, then they don’t understand who they work for, and are likely to wind up nonpartisan, ineffective and deaf.

Let me put it simply: Guns in this country are the legal and lethal force which backs citizen authority under our system. Any attack on weapons is a direct attack to undermine that citizen authority by undermining the force. There can be positively no law against this legal force backing your authority. there is no such thing as a sensible gun law. There simply isn’t any moral reason or legal reason good enough for undermining that force backing the authority of the electorate. With me so far?

Crime is one such way of undermining that force by say, political sway, convincing people that guns are bad, that resistance is bad, and that self-defense must somehow be excessive or in anger — which is how the Liberals constantly attack our way of life and authority through laws which haven’t worked, but that depends on your goals: they certainly work fine for increased political power. Now, I know you follow that.

In short, Americans are talked out of their liberty, and some of that talk is backed by official force – usually liberal force.

But does it reach criminals? Never has, so far, never will. Follow me?

The Founders hated such abuse of due process - Good Lord, they knew all about it - they wrote the law to forbid it forever when they recognized the citizen as supreme authority, and wrote that this legal force which backs our authority shall not be infringed.

One can criticise the Fundraiser Shoot as offensive, but it only reflects a poor understanding of what Gun in thic country are all about. Which explains why so many Democrats own weapons.

Let somebody else have your tickets. Let’s see if it’s constituents who take them.