Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Gun Range in Detroit Area? Warning - Major Hypocrisy Revealed

Eight Mile Road - the same one made famous by Eminem's movie - is the northern border of Detroit. It was also the northern-most point of the Northwest Territories back in the infancy of the United States.

It is (hopefully) soon to be the sight of a new target shooting range, on the north (Oakland County) side of the street, in Southfield.

Now, mind you, Michigan (and in particular, the Detroit area), has been in a sharp recession for a few years. Finally, someone will come down, do their part to end urban blight and restore a vacant building. All with the blessing of the police and planning commission.

The facility - originally known as the Moving Target gun range - is proposed at the vacant site of the former Studio of Creative Design. Owner Jim Bahri said the 9,900-square-foot will have 14 lanes of 25 yards for target shooting, classrooms and a retail outlet for firearms.

Plans for the gun range have been approved by the police department. "Southfield has a large contingent of hunters and target shooters," said Joseph Thomas Jr., who as chief of police is required to review the proposal.

"Currently Southfield doesn't have a safe target range," the chief said, "and we have to advise them (gun enthusiasts) to go elsewhere to train."

The Southfield Planning Commission has also approved the proposal. "The exterior is certainly an improvement of what's there now," said Commissioner Roy Bell, "and it would put a business into what is now a vacant building."
Great, right?

Wrong. Guns are bad. Just ask the city council.
"We have some things to discuss," said Councilman Sidney Lantz. "Some people object to the sale of guns in Southfield, and I'm leading the charge. If people want to buy guns, let them do it elsewhere."


"I don't think it's the right fit for Southfield," said Councilman Donald Fracassi. "I might feel differently if it was a full-service sporting goods store. But I don't feel comfortable with just a target range and gun shop."
Fortunately, someone with a brain sits on the council as well.
City Councilman Bill Lattimore, however, considers a target range and gun shop to be a legitimate business that would bolster the city's economic base. "Some people don't want guns to be sold in Southfield," he said. "But I don't see it that way."

Lantz, Fracassi and Lattimore each owns a pistol as well as a permit to carry a concealed weapon! Yet two of the three council members are of the "guns are bad" crowd.

Another council member had an interesting comment:
Councilwoman Joan Seymour said she is concerned about Southfield's image. "Personally, I'm not enthusiastic about a gun range or gun shop. But if they (the owners) meet all the requirements, I don't know what we can legally do to stop them."

Seymour said she doesn't own a gun. "If I ever bought one," she said, "it would be for my personal protection - in which case I'd need a range like this one."