Divide and Conquer
Benjamin Franklin said it so well 200+ years ago when signing the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
Those words hold true today for every gun owner. The antis, while hating American history, understand it. They understand that they will win if they divide the American Gun Owner.
Who is in our ranks? Hunters, mothers, target-shooters, self-defense advocates, those into "military-type" weapons (aka "scary-looking weapons" a la Clinton "Assault Weapon" Ban)... the list goes on and on.
So what do they do? They divide and conquer.
"Hey, hunters, you don't want those 'gun-nuts' with the scary-looking guns shooting at deer, do you? No one 'needs' an 'assault rifle.' Let's get rid of them. You, of course, have your gun for sporting purposes, so that is different." As if every owner of an AR-15 takes it deer hunting.
"Hey, self-defense advocates - you think shooting small game is wrong? So do we. Let's join together and get rid of different seasons (like what happened to Michigan's dove hunting season). This isn't sporting."
"Hey, target-shooters with your nice Anschutz rifles, you have a great sport. It's too bad there is gun crime. If we ban handguns, there won't be any more crime and you'll be able to practice your sport without any worries."
You aren't into hunting? So what? Stand with the hunter. You aren't into "military-looking" weapons? So what? Stand with your fellow gun owner. You don't like handguns? Suck it up and stand for the 2nd Amendment.
Listen, gun owners, to the words of Ben Franklin - because they are as true now as they were in 1776: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."