Monday, April 23, 2007

Another NRA "A-lister" Sells Out

David Codrea complains about this frequently - an NRA-endorsed politician turning 180 degrees right after election.

Congressman John Dingell, a Democrat from Trenton, Michigan is one such politician. Every year I get the orange card from NRA telling me Congressman Dingell is the next best thing to Ron Paul as a guardian of my 2nd Amendment freedoms... usually earning an "A" or "A+" from NRA-PVF.

Then, of course, I get this email from GOA stating the obvious - the NRA is full of incompetent leaders:

Urge your Representative to OPPOSE HR 297, the Dingell-McCarthy legislation that is designed to take the Brady Law to new heights, turning it into a law on steroids which could one day keep even YOU from buying a gun.


On Friday, The Washington Post reported on the strange coalition.
"With the Virginia Tech shootings resurrecting calls for tighter gun controls," the Post said, "the National Rifle Association has begun negotiations with senior Democrats over legislation to bolster the national background-check system."

Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), who was once on the NRA Board of Directors but resigned when he supported and voted for the Clinton semi-auto ban in 1994, is reported to be "leading talks with the powerful gun lobby in hopes of producing a deal [soon]," Democratic aides and lawmakers told the newspaper.

Rep. McCarthy admitted to the Post that her "crusades" for more gun control have made her voice "toxic" in gun circles. "So Dingell is handling negotiations with the NRA," the newspaper reported.

"Dingell is also in talks with Sens. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) and Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) and Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner (Wis.), the senior Republican on the House Judiciary Committee."

Good job, NRA. With A+ friends like this, who needs to worry about Chuckie Schumer and pals?

Got news for you, NRA. That dummy in Virginia committed a felony when he carried concealed illegally. He committed a felony when he carried a gun on to the campus. He committed a felony when he murdered people. The only thing he did legally was buy a gun after a background check.