Entrepreneurs and the Gene Pool Lottery
Did you know entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs because of their genetic makeup? It's true - at least to a report on MSNBC.
I know a lot of different entrepreneurs. Some are men and some are women. Some grew up rich, some grew up destitute. Some are educated (by the college standard), some weren't (not even completing high school). Some are white, some are black, some are Hispanic, one is American Indian, one is a mix of different races. Some lived with both their father and mother growing up, some were missing one or both parents growing up.
Based on my observation, it isn't genetic makeup that makes them successful entrepreneurs - it is their tenacity and their drive. Maybe there is no advancement in other countries for those who didn't hit the gene pool lottery. Actually, that isn't true. There isn't advancement in other countries because of economics, not genetics. But in the USA, tenacity and drive overcome almost all obstacles.
Tags: entrepreneur