Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Castle Doctrine Takes A Step Forward In Michigan

The headline screamed out in bold print: Michigan Senate approves self-defense bills. Yes, the right to self-defense, long a right the State of Michigan refused to allow it's citizens to enjoy, is one step closer to law.

The bills would allow people to use deadly force, with no duty to retreat, if they reasonably think they face imminent death, great bodily harm or sexual assault. They could use deadly force on their property or anywhere they have a legal right to be.

The legislation also would protect people from civil lawsuits if they have used force in self-defense.

The six-bill package is backed by the National Rifle Association but opposed by anti-gun groups. The Senate voted 28-10 and 30-8 to pass two bills, and plans to send the other bills in the package to the House Wednesday.

Michigan residents - contact your representatives. Our state senators did their duty - now it is time for our reps to do theirs... then we must make sure our Democratic governor does her duty as well. Of course, the liberals want to keep us under their thumbs, as former mayor of Ann Arbor (also known as Moscow on the Huron) and current state senator Brater made clear:
We're creating a wild west mentality in this state and I oppose it.

Of course, Sen. Alan Cropsey, aand sponsor of one bill, is able to cite lots of cases that plain "shoot down" the liberal argument. He adds: "this type of nonsense needs to end," and reminds us that that much of the legislation codifies existing judge-made law.

After all, I thought our elected legistlators, not judges, were supposed to make law.

Michigan residents - make your voice known.

To see the bills (they are a quick read, and not in legalese), click here.

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