Thursday, May 18, 2006


So, President Bush's nominee for CIA Director is expected to catch a lot of crap for the Bush Administration's domestic spying.

U.S. President George W. Bush's nominee for CIA director faces a grilling on Thursday over the administration's domestic spying program that has raised concern among critics that the war on terrorism is encroaching on civil liberties...Gen. Michael Hayden is expected to face a blizzard of questions at a Senate confirmation hearing about his role as architect of Bush's domestic spying program, which the administration has defended as legal and necessary to protect citizens after the September 11 attacks.

And, of course, we have the UN meeting on July 4 to take our guns.

So, global gun grab and domestic spying... it almost sounds like (as Gomer Pyle would say, "Suu-prize, suu-prize, suu-prize) the Founding Fathers' knew what they were doing when they guaranteed our Second Amendment freedoms. No wonder governments domestic and foreign have chopped our freedom up little by little.
