Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Failed President

The Presidential mess du jour began on Monday night as President Bush announced a temporary plan to strengthen our border control - specifically, the Mexican border. Under this plan, the National Guard (as many as 6,000 Guard members) will support existing border control agents.

Hey - use the National Guard in the United States? Instead of sending them overseas for long deployments? What an unusual concept. The Guard troops should start deployment next month, and would serve at least one year.

Fortunately for all of us, we will have an additional 6,000 border control officers by 2008. We all know how effective they've been.

President Bush has increased the border budget by 66% during his time in office, yet we've seen no obvious impact on security. Now, magically, we are going to put an end to the border problem, apparently without cost, since Mr. Bush never mentioned the costs of troop deployment, the fancy, high-tech fences or 6,000 new border patrol personnel. I wouldn't mention the cost either, since it exposes a shameful practice in this Administration: W. is just like a Democrat. He throws money at a problem and hopes it goes away.

Why vote for Republicans who lie to you saying they are small government when you can vote for Democrats that have already promised to do be big government. Who is more truthful? Democrats tell you they will strip you of all rights and oppress you with burdensome taxes. Republicans campaign on the "protect your rights" and "don't raise the taxes" platform - but they are absolutely no different in documented results than the Democrats.

Still, people cling to the Republican Party because they are the lesser of two evils in their mind. "Look at all the progress we've made in the War on Terror. Would John Kerry have done that? What about gun rights - John Kerry would have stripped them away completely by now." And on it goes.

The fact of the matter is this - the Bush administration is really not much different than the Kerry Administration would have been. Think Kerry would seize our guns? What has W. done to protect our Second Amendment rights? The BATF is running wild.

Think security from terrorists would be worse under Kerry? Take a look at our border. Take a look at the TSA effectiveness - or lack of effectiveness.

Think Kerry would abuse our intelligence agencies and use them against the public? Look at W.

Think Kerry would spend like crazy? W. puts Democrats to shame.

The Republicans haven't done squat for gun rights. Bush hasn't, and McCain won't either (assuming he is the next Republican nominee for President). They come around at election time, court us, use us, and then treat us like a cheap date until the next election cycle roles around.

It is time to stop this BS.

"But we can't afford to vote for a third party - what will happen if the Democrats get in?"

Here's a fact - we can't afford NOT to vote for a third party. Our rights have eroded just as fast under this Republican Administration as it did under his predecessor. About the only way W. has outperformed the Democrats (in a postive way) has been his "screw you" attitude with the UN. And not many Republicans have the backbone to support W. in this area.

Vote for a third party this next time around. Due to the wonderful machinations of both main parties, many blogs won't have much freedom to write a similar sentence 60 days before an election. And if you can't share an opinion - do you really have any rights at all?
