Monday, February 20, 2006

Free Press Once Again Anti- Self-Defense

Where do opinions belong in the newspaper? The Opinion section?

They belong as a news article presenting fact, according to the actions of the Detroit Free Press and Chris Christoff, the Free Press Lansing Bureau Chief. Lansing is our State Capitol for all you non-Michiganians, or those of us educated in Michigan public schools.

Tomorrow, the Michigan Senate begins debates on Senate Bill 1046, Michigan's version of the "Castle Doctrine." The bill would

...allow citizens to use deadly force to "prevent the commission of a forcible felony" without facing criminal or civil action. The defender/shooter must have a reasonable fear of great harm. That goes for burglars.

Mr. Christoff doesn't offer a lot of support for the bill. But he does give the opponents plenty of room to talk.

Opponents of such "no retreat" laws say they could lead to vigilantism or criminals using the law to evade prosecution. Peter Hamm, of the Washington-based Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said Cropsey's bill is a solution without a problem. Nowhere, he said, are citizens being locked up for exercising their legal right to defend themselves under current laws.

I guess people like Hale DeMar don't count as "citizens being locked up for exercising their legal right to defend themselves under current law." You might rememer Mr. DeMar as the Wilmette, Illinois man who shot an intruder who had broken into his house the night before and was back for more. This happened while his family was asleep. The perpetrator of the break-in ignored the sounding alarm and tried to proceed with the home invasion.

Or who can forget the law-abiding gun owners of New Orleans who had their arms confiscated and were sometimes arrested? So much for a legal right to defend oneself.

Cropsey and the National Rifle Association won a huge victory in 2000 when a lame-duck Legislature relaxed the rules for carrying concealed weapons. So far, gun-toting hotheads aren't shooting up freeways and malls, even though the number of CCW permits statewide has more than doubled to about 114,000.

One reason might be that concealed weapon applicants must attend a gun safety course. Instructors emphasize the criminal and legal implications of shooting someone, even in self-defense. They teach that pulling the trigger is a last option.

Now, Cropsey and the NRA want to tell trained gun owners: Remember those legal technicalities over blasting someone? Don't bother.

Once again, an elitist liberal wants to deny people their right to self-defense. Under current Michigan law, you are guilty of a felony if you do not back away from a threat prior to shooting. The assailant must be approaching you and continuing the threat at the time of the shooting. This law would not turn us into Tombstone, AZ. Michigan wouldn't be a giant OK Corral. This proposed law simply realizes that if someone breaks into your house, apartment, etc., you might be in serious danger. You need to be able to defend yourself, not just run to a phone and dial the police, who will take a few minutes (or few hours, if you are a Detroiter) to get to your house. When someone has already broken the law by illegally entering, this constitutes a threat - obviously the perpetrator doesn't care about you or the law.

Every Michigan 2nd amendment supporter should contact their state senator in support of this proposal. You can find your senators contact information at:

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