Monday, February 20, 2006

Briefly on the Olympics

I love the Olympics, especally the Winter Olympics. Where else do you see an otherwise sane person voluntarily do things like the ski jump - where they fly through the air further than the distance of a football field! I remember all to well the "Agony of Defeat" guy on ABC's Wide World of Sports. Not a fun situation to find yourself in.

And how exactly do you learn the ski jump? I understand how some Olympic caliber athlete may train, but what if you are the poor sap just learning? Seems like a steep and painful learning curve.

Speaking of crazy sports, I love watching the skeleton. What do these guys say to themselves for motivation as they prepare to race? "Let's lay down on my belly, head first on a sled, and have fun at 70 MPH."

As a 2nd Amendment guy, I particularly enjoy the Biathalon. Cool sport, one I would like to try if I could stand up on cross-country skis.

Well, Bode Miller is now 0-4 in his Olympic quest.

No shame in not medalling - the competition is fierce and the times that separate the gold medal from last place are often within a second or two.

What is a shame is the way this man has been hyped. Who wasn't sick of the advertising prelude to the Olypics featuring Bode and his obnoxious attitude? For that matter, I am tired of hearing NBC commentators chiming about all the gold medal favorites, only to watch them never get close to the medal stand. Again, no shame in not getting a medal. But NBC, please, shut up. Thank goodness there is a mute button on the remote.

Finally, I am glad I live so close to Canada. CBC does a much better job covering the Olympics than NBC. Except they seemed to take too much pleasure when the US Womens' Hockey team lost in the semi-finals.

It only happens every four years, but the Winter Olympics are my favorite sporting event. Too bad we are already 50% through it. I can't wait for 2010 and Vancouver.

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