Is AOL Blasphemous?
I had to chuckle at this World Net Daily article.
I enjoy WND. I go to it almost daily, read most of page 1, some of page 2. I respect their writers. But this one really made me think, "you must be kidding."
America Online is now acting like God – using what some consider to be His very name in a marketing pitch for e-mail, voice chat, video chat, instant messaging, text messaging and other forms of communication.
AIM's new slogan is "I AM."
The service says things like "I AM INSTANT MESSAGING" or "I AM VOICE CHAT."
"I AM" are the words God used to answer Moses' question about His name.
Jesus, too, used the phrase in John 8:58, when he said, "Before Abraham was, I am."
May be AOL was acting blasphemous and intentionally used the name of God. I doubt it, though. It probably sounded like a cool name. It probably market-tested well.
Millar suggested AOL would never think of using – or misusing – the names "Allah," or "Buddha" in its corporate marketing efforts.
Please! You don't see "Allah Instant Messaging" or "Budda Voice Chat," but at the same time, I don't think you can read into the "I AM ..." to make it say something like "God Instant Messaging." I think we are taking blasphemy a little too far on this issue.