Alito to be Confirmed
Judge Samuel Alito is soon to be Associate Justice Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr.
In a side note, I enjoyed the call for a filibusterer Massachusetts Democratic Senator (and former presidential hopeful) John Kerry. Senator Kerry made this proclamation while at a five-star resort in Switzerland. What a place to do senatorial business. But I digress...
Alito is expected to be confirmed Tuesday with the support at least 57 senators in the Republican-controlled Senate who have stated their intention to back President Bush's selection to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. The 55-year-old U.S. appeals court judge was then to be quickly sworn in before his expected appearance at Bush's annual State of the Union speech with the White House's other new Supreme Court judge, Chief Justice John Roberts.
One thing I am still curious about - I heard all about his abortion views, his alleged abortion views, what he thinks about Roe v. Wade, ad naseum. What I don't know about is how he views the 2nd Amendment. I hear him called "conservative" on the news, but I know that many brand-name conservatives hold the 2nd amendment as an embarrassment while looking down their snotty noses at the "red-neck hicks" who hold it dear.
I look forward to Judge Alito, he appears to be a man of integrity. But, in reality, I don't know a lot about the man, and I simply hope for the best.
Tags: Alito , Supreme Court, 2nd Amendment