Shall Not Be Infringed
From John Longnecker:
As always, I write for the Non-gun owner sovereign in America.
2008 Candidates, listen up – some of whom own guns or bodyguards. Or both!
If I had interested people stopping me on the street in response to my button, I'd reduce my answers to an intelligent few sentences. I could answer quite a few people this way.
Understand, also, that, in asking, many would want to learn more. I'd gladly make the time for them.
Looking at two recent polls showing popular interest in people having automatic weapons – 41% according to the CBS hit show The Power of 10, and a Zogby International Poll showing a 66% desire for no more gun laws – I'd say one thing: Americans aren't afraid of automatic weapons or even guns for that matter – they're afraid of abuses. Violent crime is an abuse and gun control is an abuse of process. Name your poison.
Reasonable people don't dislike guns, they dislike crime, and that includes the hundreds of thousands of the non-gun incidents of knifings, beatings, carjackings, rape, abductions of adults and abductions of children. Use of citizen authority can stop many, many of these. Why is it obfuscated and punished when non-gun violent crimes vastly outnumber gun violence? Because armed citizens can impeach the very concept of such go-nowhere anti-crime policies.
You've read my writing this before, and I'll post it again: The Founders did not need to anticipate weapons of the future, it was abuse of due process they feared in the government of the future, so they said that the force which backs citizen authority shall not be infringed. The word shall carries legal weight under our system – shall not makes the concept absolute.
There can be no such thing as a sensible gun law, because gun laws interfere with the force which backs the authority of citizens as supreme here.
Your citizen authority is an obstacle, so the move is on to dissolve it. Resistance to such adversity to the nation resides in intact families, privacy, how we educate our children, how we meet and handle violent crime and in other venues. Crime is an excuse for many of these strongholds of resistance to be eroded and pushed aside. No-fault divorce and rotten education content are as much a threat to citizen authority as gun control is.
[The trick is to suspicion and to criminalize more routine, honest behavior, including parenting, what we teach children as much as weapons and self-defense. As the Founders experienced, the PEOPLE wind up being criminalized. This constant moving of the goal posts was what the Founders fought and defeated. The rest of the citizenry who witness this today go along with it, not quite realizing that, sooner or later, they'll be next to be criminalized. RFID Chips and a National ID Card have quite a head start as two examples of this imposing suspicioning-of-all-citizens / criminalization trend undertaken by officials and hi-tech industries under color of fighting violence.]
Quote me on this: When it comes to fighting crime, no one can take your place as the first line of defense. The combination of personal authority and superior force trump anything officials can dream up as an absentee substitute, including hi-tech surveillance, no-fault divorce, punishing parenting, too many gun laws and no guns on campus.
If you had such an Ask Me About Shall Not Be Infringed button, what would you talk about, Guns?
Talk about Authority. Citizen authority.
And if they say those three words every liberty enthusiast loves to hear – take me shooting – commit to a date and make it your treat.
Because unwinding gun laws would begin to unwind so many abuses of due process, even for non-gun owners, the repeal of all gun laws would be good for the country.