Pistol-Free Zones Are Killing Our Children
From MLive.com:
Michigan author Skip Coryell claims, "pistol free zones are killing our children."
In the former Orangeville native's latest book, Blood in the Streets, he shares his thoughts on school shooting incidents, like those at Columbine High School and Virginia Tech.
Referring to the Columbine incident, Coryell writes that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, "fired 188 shots, including 37 shotgun rounds and 151 9mm rounds, killing one teacher, 12 innocent students, and injuring 23 others. How did they do that? Why did no one stop them? How did they kill so many people?"
According to Coryell, "The answer is easy."
"It was like shooting fish in a barrel, sheep in a pen; the students, faculty, and staff didn't fight back; they were unarmed, both physically and mentally. They hid beneath desks, waiting for the police to come and rescue them. It didn't happen. They died. Society's promise had failed them. The promise of gun control was a lie."
In the book, Coryell quotes Ted Nugent, an ardent advocate of American's "right to bear arms."
"You mean to say that when an imbecile walks into a church, office, a day care center, or school, stumbling about, almost zombie-like, with gun-filled hands at his side, blabbering incoherently to his next victim, the reaction of grown men and women is to run, cry, whimper, and hide under a desk or pew? The sheeping of America' is nearly complete."
Coryell suggests that Americans become more like sheepdogs, to defend the innocent and fight criminals, than acting like powerless, unprotected sheep. If a criminal has no regard for the law, laws will not deter them, Coryell said.
He does not advocate vigilantism, but "when laws no longer serve the people, the people should work to abolish those laws," he said. "So, work hard to abolish counterproductive gun control laws, arm yourselves, train, stay alert, and when the bad guy comes knockin,' you start rockin'! It's the only thing that makes sense. Pistol-free zones, like high schools, universities, churches, and other public spaces, create an artificial geographical area where only criminals have guns."
Coryell said, legislators who advocate gun control and gun-free zones are announcing to criminals everywhere,
"You may rape, pillage and plunder with impunity," he said. "I find it an amazing tribute to God that he loves even anti-gun politicians. It's probably best that he's God, and I'm not."
The author said it is the "task of this generation to stand and fight, to resist, to restore sanity to our legal system."
For more information on Coryell and his published works, visit www.skipcoryell.com.