Michigan Citizens - Give More Of Your Money To Fix Govt Budget Woes
Do you want to go to a Tiger game? Do you want to go to the theatre and catch a movie? If so, you are rich and must be punished. That's right, you rich folk should be paying a luxury tax.
In fact, our Democratic Governor and our Republican legislature are seriously considering putting a $100 million a year tax on every ticket to professional sporting events, shows, concerts, and movie tickets in Michigan.
And that's great, because professional sports organizations grossly undercharge ticket prices. After all, an infield seat at Comerica Park costs $40 a pop. So, if I want to take my family, it costs $240, plus service charges on the tickets ($60), plus parking ($25). So, right now, it costs me (pre-food) $325 to go to a ball game. Under the new proposal, it will cost me $340. That's a good economic move during a recession, don't you think? No, I don't either.
Let's tell the Governor and her raise-the-peons-taxes buddies to back off.
Learn more - including how to defeat this tax proposal - at www.notickettax.com