Monday, June 18, 2007

Judas, Benedict Arnold, and the NRA

Armed and Christian posted his letter to the NRA in regards to the recent sell-out of HR 2640.

That inspired me to write my own letter a few days ago, albeit without A&C's eloquence.

I am disgusted with my NRA leadership. I still can't believe you take glory in your sell-out relationship with gun-banning Democrats and actually support H.R. 2640. Over the last ten years, your actions – not rhetoric – has dramatically softened against anti-gunners. Now it looks like anti-gunners have completely infiltrated the NRA.

You talk a good talk, but your actions betray your support to strip away the 2nd Amendment. The NCIS infringes on our Constitution and our rights listed (but not provided by) the Bill of Rights. I mistakenly assumed that my membership dollars would go toward a fight to eliminate this infringement. Instead my leaders backstabbed me and are working to make it more restrictive.

My NRA leadership didn't act as THE voice of support for firearms owners... they instead buddied up with gun banners whose stated goal and desire is to completely disarm me! I’ve been very active in pro-2A politics and it looks like the movement no longer has any teeth. The gun-banners know they are winning because NRA completely caved – and they know their work might be finished in another election cycle.

Ever since I joined NRA, I've been proud to be a member. I took particular pride in wearing my Life Member apparel. Now I feel shame and embarrassment because of H.R. 2640. Shame on NRA leaders! The Bill of Rights confirms (not authorizes) the Right of citizens to own firearms. It is not the Government's job – or the NRA’s job - to decide who is too dangerous to own guns.

Why didn't leadership, in response to the Virginia Tech tragedy, lobby for the removal of unconstitutional restrictions that denied students the means to protect themselves?

I am disappointed and ashamed that my NRA leadership chose compromise and appeasement. Please quit harassing me every three weeks by calling for donations. My money is going to organizations out there like Gun Owners of America and the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership – organizations that still stand for freedom - and back up their words with pro-2A actions.