Monday, April 02, 2007

Why we applauded Bronson in “Death Wish”

This comes from The Weedpatch Gazette:

While watching the news last night and the Jim Webb/Phillip Thompson issue was being discussed, I was surprised to hear an attractive young woman, an advocate of right to carry and owns guns herself say “I won’t be with a man that can’t kill another man.” I was so astounded by her frank and open statement, more than just a breath of fresh air but a near gale that it made me wish more women would be allowed to speak so openly. However, that is wishful thinking since the MSM doesn’t get into the stories I read each month in the NRA’s publication “American Rifleman” unless it is to the advantage of those that want to disarm all law-abiding citizens of America.

The young woman’s statement is so astoundingly and refreshingly honest it should give every American pause to think about the increasing violence especially directed at attractive young women in America. They know they are the prey and men are the predators. I know the need women have for men to come to their defense, especially the right to carry for women, a point often made by Sandra S. Froman, President of the NRA. But when an attractive young woman goes out with a man, knowing she is the target of sexual predators, she deserves to know the man she is with can protect her, that if need be he can kill in her defense. And if she finds herself alone, she needs to be prepared to kill in her defense; how many a young woman would be alive today had they been able to do so when attacked by sexual predators.

In the face of escalating violence in America, I’ve also written about the need for the elderly to be armed. Just today a friend called and told me one of his elderly friends, a woman, had called him telling of her concern now that her husband is disabled, that for the first time in her life she was considering buying a gun. He asked me about this and I told him she should be able to get professional advice from any reputable gun store owner.

I’ve dealt with firearms all my life; I’m a certified gunsmith and was handloading since I was twelve years old beginning with a Lyman tong tool. I know the many risks associated with guns and explosives, so much so that I know those unfamiliar with guns need expert training in the use of them. The NRA along with reputable gun stores offers such training.

But “The Armed Citizen” is the bane of most politicians as our Founding Fathers realized, and the Second Amendment was specifically designed for the purpose of the last line of defense against the tyranny of government. More than that, the Second Amendment should be not only the right but the recourse of every law-abiding American citizen in self-defense.

As with judges and politicians that defend child molesters, pedophiles, and rapists it is easy to surmise they must be perverts themselves; and the same thing applies to those that would disarm Americans. The perversion of those that would deny us our Second Amendment right to own guns, that attack “right to carry” suffer the perversion of wanting all power to be held in the hands of a favored few, generally the wealthy, politicians, and judges.

I was delighted at some of the responses I received by email and other to my article “Just a wink and all hell breaks loose!” I expressed my opinion that without Val Kilmer the film would have been nothing but another high budget Hollywood Western. Kilmer in the role of Doc Holliday really made the movie, and I think should have received an Oscar for his performance. It was one of those rare portrayals of raw human honesty, especially where he declares his “hypocrisy” only went so far. I believe we could excuse some politicians if they were so remarkably honest.

Granted “Death Hunt” was a better film, and few would fault Lee Marvin or Charles Bronson. The film was cinematically beautiful, and the performances overall better than “Tombstone” excepting that of Val Kilmer. But most films of this genre find us applauding justice finally triumphing over evil. And that is what We the People hunger and thirst for: Justice triumphing over evil.

Some of you may recall when the 1974 film “Death Wish” opened in theaters some audiences were reported to have stood up and applauded at the scene where Bronson blows away the subway punks. “The film was a huge commercial success and inspired four sequels. Widely denounced by critics for advocating unsanctioned violence against criminals, Death Wish became a metaphor for a rising public tide of anger against unchecked violent crime.”

I well recall those critics at the time, but what these bleeding hearts refused to acknowledge was the fact most Americans want the punks “blown away.” What is this utter nonsense of “unsanctioned violence against criminals” but just another politically correct way of saying law-abiding citizens must continue to be at the mercy of criminals without recourse to justice?

Yes, we are acutely aware of the rule of law being “How much justice can you afford?” But when the President and his U. S. Attorney General among so many others act as though they alone stand for “justice” We the People have every right to begin questioning whether we can any longer afford their interpretation of “justice.” In the meantime I will keep my Beretta handy and my powder dry, I will continue to advocate for “The Armed Citizen,” and encourage women to follow the advice of that young woman “I won’t be with a man that can’t kill another man.”

Folks, our politicians, judges, and gangs don’t own America, and faced with the kind of brutality law-abiding citizens are subjected to every day I advise all of you to have a gun, get proper training in its use, and be prepared to use it. “Death Wish became a metaphor for a rising public tide of anger against unchecked violent crime.” Things have only worsened since 1974, and with no end in sight for gangs terrorizing at will, unchecked violent crime increasingly unchecked, armed citizens would seem to be the only way Americans can protect themselves. We certainly cannot depend on our “leadership” to do it, a leadership that won’t even secure our borders let alone our homes or persons.