Target Switzerland
I found David Codrea's post on the Cancer in the Cantons extremely interesting, as I've been reading Target Switzerland by Stephen Halbrook.
Pacifists and centre:left parties want voters to have the final say on breaking with a long:standing Swiss tradition of storing personal army rifles and pistols at home.
They said they would launch a people's initiative to ban such weapons in households. The announcement came a day after parliament refused to take action over the issue.
Under Swiss law all:able bodied men are issued with a rifle and 50 rounds of ammunition which they can keep after completing their military service.
An estimated 1.6 million firearms are in circulation in Switzerland and a study found that 300 people are killed every year by standard issue weapons.
There are also more than 150,000 active members of rifle clubs, many of whom own more than one gun.
Target Switzerland records how the people of Switzerland, led by their remarkable militia, put the fear of an armed people into Hitler and crowd - so much that the Nazi thugs never attacked the Swiss. Imagine - they were literally surrounded on all corners by the Nazi threat (France to the west, Italy to the south, Austria to the east, Germany to the north) - and they were so potent, Hitler didn't mess with them.
Of course, the best way to defeat the Swiss would be to take their arms from them. Their famous sharpshooters are worthless without a gun. Very good move by the international gun control dictators-in-waiting.