Tuesday, March 20, 2007

You Ain't Got No Stinkin' Rights

There is only one constitutional right in the United States which is absolute and that is your right to believe anything you want.
Kalifornia State Senator Sheila Kuehl, when arguing for SB 52,requiring citizens to obtain a state-issued license to own a firearm for self-defense.

What rights has a slave? There is only one: a slave can think anything he wants. As long as he doesn't utter it or act on it - he may think what he wants. He has no right to the fruit of his labor; no right to self-defense, no right to raise his children, no right to contract with others for his betterment, no right to worship - except as his master allows. He has only the right to his own thoughts. All other rights are at the sufferance of his master - whether that master is a state or an owner.
Kalifornia State Senator Tom McClintock, in a written rebuttal.

Senator McClintock, as quoted in Freedom & Firearms, published in Concealed Carry Magazine (Vol 1 Issue 5)