Golden Screw-up Award
Our lucky contestants:
Senator Barack Obama, for his unofficial and apparently unauthorized attack on the junior Senator from New York. Of course, I enjoyed the unauthorized ad, so I'll give Senator Obama an exemption.We'll put Al Gore in Obama's place. Look at his picture, the news must have really lit up his day. Gore, of course, lied to - I mean testified - in front of Congress this week about bad things like cars and light bulbs and productive citizens.
He's a longshot for this week's award, but US District Judge Lowell Reed, Jr. is nominated for ruling the 1998 Child Online Protection Act (COPA) violated a constitutional right to free speech, giving pornographers more legal rights than many bloggers (due to the McCain-Feingold Act).
Finally, we have our front runners - the entire HR 1022 crew. 'Nuf said about that gang of commies.
This week's winner - the envelope please - congratulations to the HR 1022 gang. We wish you the worst of luck in your attempts to fully enslave the American public.
Obama/Jr. Senator from NY photo from
Gore picture from
Justice picture from
AR-15 from