Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The 2A and Governor Granholm's Resume

Governor Jennifer Granholm is catching a lot of heat these days. No one can blame people for being upset - businesses and citizens are fleeing our state; increasing debt and daily crisis are moving in.

Rather than gripe about her entire job performance, I want to look at her from a 2nd Amendment perspective. Is she doing an adequate job? I say "adequate" because no politician short of Ron Paul would ever do a good job (in regards to the 2A).

She's displayed to major positive 2A actions during her gubernatorial career:

1. She was an Attorney General (i.e. probably fairly anti-gun). Yet, after election to Governor, she signed the Castle Doctrine legislation with no hassle - and took a big hit from her own supporters during an election season.

2. She signed the Emergency Powers Act which bans any disarming of the citizenry during an emergency. That is, no post-Katrina-styled weapons seizures are legal.

Admittedly, the state or local municipalities may choose to violate this law, but at least it made it to law, protecting our right to arms (also part of the Michigan Constitution).

In addition, she's lowered the hunting age for many seasons.

I can also add that every rime I send a communication to her office, I've received a response. I've never experienced this with any other politician at any level of government.

For a Canadian Democrat, she has done a decent job as our governor - limiting the resume only to the 2nd amendment.

The scary part? When it comes to actions, not BS rhetoric, she is more gun-friendly than John McCain or Rudy G.