More Global Warming BS This Monday Morning
If you are reading this post, stop, because the world is coming to an end and you should spend your time protesting businesses and productive people.
I had to laugh when I read this in my morning Free Press:
A dozen Michiganders are helping Al Gore carry the message of his movie "Inconvenient Truth," preaching the gospel of global warming with his slides and their words.If I ever have trouble sleeping, I'll know what to watch to get sleepy. Wow. Personally trained by Al Gore? How... boring.
Gore has personally trained 1,000 disciples. Part cheerleaders, part angels of gloom, they are fanning across the country with copies of his climate change slide show (330 slides) and the goal of getting their audience roused enough to demand action from their leaders.
The Free Press even included a cute little graphic to illustrate how awful the future is going to be in Michigan.
How wonderful... walleye and large mouth bass are supposed to increase in numbers! Looks like I'll get to do a lot more fishin' with my free time, now that I won't have to shovel snow. And with the money I save not needing winter clothing, I'll have so much more to spend on fishing gear.
What's going to happen in 20 years when we are back in the "A New Ice Age Is Coming" mode? And why are we still using fossil fuels? They were supposed to be completely gone by 2000, because my teachers back in grade school in the 70's told me so.
Click on the image to expand it to readable size.
Image is Copyright Detroit Free Press.
