Why I Think Michigan Governor Granholm (D) Will Sign the Castle Doctrine Bills

Sorry, my castle isn't visible in this picture.
Remember Governor Granholm signed House Bill 4642 back in March - this bill became active law on July 1, 2006. HB 4642 allows an individual licensed to carry a concealed firearm to legally carry, possess, use, or transport a firearm belonging to another individual licensed to carry a concealed firearm, as long as the individual's firearm is properly licensed and inspected under this act.
So what? What does this have to do with the Castle Doctrine? Simply, a rabid anti-gunner would not have done this.
We also need to remember that the Castle Doctrine is not necessarily a gun bill - it is a self-defense bill - and it protects people regardless of the weapon they use in their defense. It could be their hands, it could be a hammer, it could be a rolled-up newspaper, it could be a gun...
Don't forget that Governor Granholm's spokeswoman, Liz Boyd, said back in April the Granholm administration would support legislation giving people the right to protect themselves in their homes.
Don't forget that the six bills making up the Castle Doctrine package passed by over 80% of members in the combined legistative bodies voting "yea."
Don't forget a massive majority of Michigan's citizens are in support of the Castle Doctrine.
Don't forget it is an election year.
Don't forget that voters remember Governor Granholm was our Attorney-General before her election... and that voters associate certain flamboyant trial attorneys with the Michigan Democratic Party... and, once again, it is an election year...
Don't forget, speaking of election year, that Michigan's economy is in serious decline as we witness a non-stop hemorrhaging of jobs and businesses.
...a state economy devastated by the struggles of domestic automakers General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. and the bankruptcies of major auto suppliers Delphi Corp. and Tower Automotive Inc. has Michigan voters unhappy with her performance and record numbers saying the state is on the wrong track....Michigan remains the only state besides hurricane-struck Louisiana to lose jobs between May 2005 and May 2006, and has seen its unemployment rate hover two points above the national average
Don't forget she is likely (but not officially until after the Primary) running against a multi-billionaire-tremendously-successful-businessman who's wife was the head of the Michigan Republican Party for years.
And most of all, don't forget to contact Governor Granholm's office to declare your support for this simple, sensible legislation.