Give Me Your Gun or I'll Take Your Life
It looks like the UN is backing down temporarily.
The UN Small Arms Conference ended Friday in deadlock with no formal conclusions or recommendations. In the final analysis, the complexity of the issue and the concerns of hunters, sport shooters and firearms owners world-wide prevailed. No recommendations on ammunition, civilian possession or future UN meetings, or for that matter any other subjects, were adopted. The failure of this five-year program to impact the legitimate firearms industry, and the 2nd Amendment rights of U.S. citizens was total. Anti-gun NGOs and liberal governments served notice they would not give up and would present all of their issues to the UN General Assembly this fall. Thanks should be given to NRA Board members Bob Barr, David Keene and Jim Gilmore for their crucial participation in this significant victory.(From NRA-ILA)
Personal Note: NRA seems concerned with only thanking NRA leaders. I'd like to extend my thanks to all the "other" gun-rights organizations, such as SAF and GOA, in addition to the NRA for protecting our rights against the global beast.