No More Helmet Law in Michigan!
No more helmet law, that is, if Governor Granholm signs the bill. Of course, she has threatened to veto it.
Let's face it - most of the momentum for the helmet repeal is emotional. We riders don't want the government nanny looking over our shoulders as we go down the road. I am part of that group.
I won't go out riding without a helmet on, for several reasons - including the obvious crash issue. But helmets won't protect you from death in a crash. That's right - helemts will not protect you from death in an accident, but if the accident is survivable, they will protect you from becoming a vegetable.
I personally like helmets for other reasons, including protecting me from the amount of road debris thrown in my face or at my head during the average trip, and for shielding against nasty critters like yellow jackets and bumble bees - of which I seem to hit a few times a trip.
Anyways, I think it is foolish to ride without a helmet - but I agree with bikers throughout the state - it should be a matter of personal choice, not government intrusion.