Thursday, June 08, 2006

Best Paying Jobs

Forbes Magazine recently released the 25 Best-Paying Jobs list. The top five:

1. Surgeons average $181.850
2. Anesthesiologists $174,610
3. Obstetricians and Gynecologists average $174,490
4. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons average $169,600
5. Internists, General average $156, 790

This list is a load of crap. It doesn't take much research to see what the really good paying jobs are.

1. Senator/Congressman - average $7.5 million including lobbyist payouts
2. Businesspartner with Bill/Hillary - average $100,000 payouts on $1,000 investments
3. Criminal Defense Attorney (specializing in white-collar crimes) - average $7,000 per hour with their Senator/Congressmen clients
4. Drug Dealer average $3,000 an hour for just standing on a street corner - or more, if the traffic typically drives by in Daddy's Jaguar with a girlfriend inside.