Monday, May 15, 2006

Never Give Up Hope

An amazing story out of Oakland County, Michigan, originally released by Sheriff Michael Bouchard and the Detroit News.

(Sheriff Bouchard, of course, is expected to be the Republican answer to Democratic US Senator Debbie Stabenow in November. The NRA love-fest never ceases. He receives top marks from the most famous gun organization in the US, even though he vehemently opposed concealed carry and several other firearms freedoms... but I digress...)

On Mother's Day weekend in 1976, Laura Gooder's estranged husband, Eric Douglas Nielsen, picked up 21-month-old Genevieve Rachel Nielsen for an overnight visit. They never returned.

This Mother's Day weekend, a police officer arrived Saturday at Gooder's home in Frederic, Mich., with news that her daughter - now 31 - had been found, The Detroit News reported.

Gooder's daughter had been raised under another name and grew up believing her mother had been killed in an auto accident. Law enforcement officials declined to release her other name...

Eric Nielsen was incarcerated in Arizona under a different identity on an unrelated charge, authorities said. A tip led investigators to visit an Arizona prison Thursday, said Michael Bouchard, sheriff in Michigan's Oakland County.

Gooder's daughter, who now has a child of her own, was traumatized by the revelations, Bouchard said...

Last year, U.S. marshals joined the search for Gooder's daughter, and a judge charged Eric Nielsen with kidnapping. He had been wanted on a state kidnapping warrant since 1976.

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