War on Easter
It is that time of year, again. Time for all the people who absolutely hate Christians to get out and mock.
A media company that produced a best-selling documentary asserting that Jesus Christ never existed today launches its "War on Easter," encouraging volunteer atheists to plant copies of the film "The God Who Wasn't There" in churches across the United States.
Dubbing the effort "Operation Easter Sanity," Brian Flemming, a self-described "former Christian fundamentalist" and president of Beyond Belief Media, hopes to covertly place 666 copies of the documentary in churches by Easter Sunday, April 16...
"People go to churches to hide from the truth," Flemming said in a statement. "At no time is this more apparent than Easter, when Christians get together to convince each other that a man died, stayed dead three days, rose from the dead and then flew into the air above the clouds...
"Our nonviolent campaign sends the message that nowhere in the country is safe from the truth. Wherever Christian leaders are indoctrinating children with 2,000-year-old fairy tales, the truth may just find its way there."
I am amazed at the people who absolutely hate Christians or Christianity. They seem so bitter. There is certainly a group of non-believers who don't spew forth venomous stuff like this. Still, that group seems to be shrinking in size.
I celebrate Passover, not Easter. Easter is well documented to have a pagan background that was "adapted" by the State Church several hundred years after the Messiah walked the earth. Still, I have no desire to attack someone for celebrating Easter, or Lent, or anything else. There is no way I would go into churches and rant on Easter, or spread out tracts or DVDs against Easter in this clandestine manner.
Such hatred is more and more acceptable every year.