Monday, April 10, 2006

Too Bad This Guy Didn't Have a Gun

A dog in the UK attacked a kid and had to be shot.

Police marksmen called to save a two-year-old child from the jaws of a bull mastiff had to pump 17 bullets into the dog before it would die.

The animal had already been stabbed four times with a bread knife by its owner in a desperate effort to make it drop his son.

When police marksmen arrived, they initially fired a 50,000-volt Taser gun in a vain attempt to stop the frenzied attack by three-year-old family pet Mitch.

They then emptied the entire clip of a Glock 17, 9mm pistol into the dog before it finally collapsed and died.

Now, I know that guns are "bad" in the UK, but come on. Some freaking dog is mauling a kid, it has been stabbed four times with a bread knife, and you decide to use a taser?

And isn't it a shame that they had to use a 9mm instead of a real round? Come on, a 9mm? No wonder it took 17 rounds to put down the dog.

I just don't understand the thinking behind police in the UK when they whip out tasers instead of taking out the dog. Miraculously, the kid only had to stay overnight in the hospital.

By the way, there is an interesting side note to all of this. These officers were from Scotland Yard's CO19 specialist firearms squad - trained in counter-terrorism to place a single bullet on a would-be suicide bomber that severs the spinal cord and prevents him/her from detonating the explosives.

Scotland Yard had this to say about these crack shots:
"The officers used 17 shots because the dog stayed alive that long. They fire and then assess if the threat is still there - and this animal was still alive and they had to fire again.

"It's not something that is going to stay still the minute it is shot. No one can say what impact a bullet will have on a human or an animal - and the animal was still a threat. The officers did what they were trained to do. Unfortunately, that's what it took to kill the dog. The officers had no option."
