No Protests at Military Funerals - Pending Legislation
Finally, a congressman who introduces some worthwhile legislation.
Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers (R) wants to end this nonsense of "protesting" at a funeral.
Rogers' measure would prevent disruption of military funerals at national cemeteries from 60 minutes before to 60 minutes after the service, and keep protesters at least 500 feet away from mourners. It also includes a recommendation from Congress that all 50 states adopt similar legislation affecting military funeral and burial sites...
"These people were not just picketing,'' he said. "They were taunting, harassing and saying 'we're glad he's dead.' That's not first amendment rights, that is harassment, that is interference. (Family members) have a right to mourn and bury their dead,'' the congressman told his audience.
Rogers, who has received national media attention over the legislation, said it does not preclude people from protesting, but places restrictions on their activities.
I am glad a politician finally had the fortitude to declare this funeral "protesting" is not a 1st amendment right.
We'll see how this all pans out. I imagine most of the Dems will crap on this proposal, but what the heck - they also blame the US for terrorism.
Tags: Patriot Guard , Military Funerals , First Amendment