Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hamas Becomes Even More Dangerous

Israel National News quoted a French newspaper report that Hamas is opening it's doors to all terrorists.

Actually, what Sa'id Siyam, the Palestinian Authority's interior minister, said was that Fatah, the previous ruling party, implemented a cooperation with Israel that is not acceptalbe newly ruling Hamas government. As such, that Hamas will not arrest terrorists, even al-Queda terrorists.

Another element of the Oslo Accords down the drain. By the way, if I remember correctly, it was this particular element that sealed the deal on the agreement and created the Palestinian Authority in 1993.

And, as reported by Israel National news,

Siyam's belligerent statement was moderate in comparison with statements he made upon taking office last week. He said then that not only would he not order the arrest of terrorists who attacked Israel, but that Hamas would try to coordinate all military activity against Israel. He even appointed an Al-Aksa Brigades terrorist commander, Abu Hilal, as his ministry's spokesman.