Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Castle Doctrine Coming to Michigan? Residents - Contact Your State Legislator

From the NRA-ILA on April 14:

Michigan "Castle Doctrine" Legislation has upcoming hearing!

The Michigan House Judiciary Committee will be hearing important self-defense legislation on Tuesday, April 18 at 10:30 a.m. It is important that law-abiding citizens contact Chairman William VanRegenmorter and fellow committee members and ask him or her to pass HB 5143 and companion bills that are part of the Castle Doctrine package.

The "Castle Doctrine" legislation that has already passed in Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Mississippi, and South Dakota will also help the citizens of Michigan by clarifying the rights and duties of self-defense and the defense of others within ones home and/or occupied vehicle.

Please contact the House Judiciary Committee as soon as possible!

Your voice needs to be heard by this committee!

Contact information for the House Judiciary Committee members can be found below:
William VanRegenmorter (R-74), Committee Chair: (517) 373-8900;
Email: wmvanreg@house.mi.gov

Tonya Schuitmaker (R-80), Majority Vice-Chair: (517) 373-0839;
Email: tonyaschuitmaker@house.mi.gov

Alexander Lipsey (D-60), Minority Vice-Chair: (517) 373-1785;
Email: alexanderlipsey@house.mi.gov

Stephen Adamini (D-109): (517) 373-0498;
Email: stephenadamini@house.mi.gov

Steve Bieda (D-25): (517) 373-1772;
Email: stevebieda@house.mi.gov

Paul Condino (D-35): (517) 373-1788;
Email: paulcondino@house.mi.gov

Kevin Elsenheimer (R-105): (517) 373-0829;
Email: kevinelsenheimer@house.mi.gov

Rick Jones (R-71): (517) 373-0853;
Email: rickjones@house.mi.gov

David Law (R-39): (517) 373-1799;
Email: davidlaw@house.mi.gov

Bill McConico (D-5): (517) 373-0144;
Email: repbillmcconico@house.mi.gov

Gary Newell (R-87): (517) 373-0842;
Email: repgarynewell@house.mi.gov

Mike Nofs (R-62): (517) 373-0555;
Email: mikenofs@house.mi.gov

Tory Rocca (R-30): (517) 373-7768;
Email: toryrocca@house.mi.gov

Virgil Smith (D-7): (517) 373-0589;
Email: virgilsmith@house.mi.gov

John Stakoe (R-44): (517) 373-2616;
Email: johnstakoe@house.mi.gov

For more information about "Castle Doctrine" and other legislation in Michigan and around the nation, please go to the "action alerts" feature at http://www.nraila.org/.

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