World War III ???
Meir Amit, a former director of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency, says that World War III will be between Islam and the West. Mr. Amit is highly esteemed by the international defense establishment. Serving as Mossad chief from 1963 to 1968, he directed some of the most notorious Mossad operations in memory. He also pioneered many of the tactics currently used by intelligence agencies worldwide.
Mr. Amit warned that Islamic nations and global Islamist groups will continue launching "all kinds of attacks" against Western states, and urged the international community to immediately unite and coordinate a strategy to fight against the "Islamic war."
We are on the eve of war with the Islamic world, which will wage a war and all kinds of actions and attacks against the Western world. We already noticed the terrorists in the world hit Spain, England, France. I call it World War III. You must look at it from this angle and treat it wider, not as a problem of terrorism here and there."
- Meir Amit