Monday, March 06, 2006

South Dakota Prohibits Abortion

South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds signed legislation today banning abortion in all cases unless the mother's life is in danger.

It is about time.

We've seen the slaughter of more than 40 million Americans since 1973. No, not the discard of 40 million+ clumps of cells. Adolph Hitler, in his evil campaign against the Jewish people, only managed 6 million murders. America has put him to shame. We've slaughtered 40 million... and the numbers are growing.

Rounds said in a written statement he expects the law will be tied up in court for years and will not be enacted unless upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.

In the history of the world, the true test of a civilization is how well people treat the most vulnerable and most helpless in their society," Rounds said. "The sponsors and supporters of this bill believe that abortion is wrong because unborn children are the most vulnerable and most helpless persons in our society. I agree with them. - Gov. Rounds

We Americans started with the weakest group of all, the baby. We bought into the lie that "it isn't really a baby until it is born."

Now we are moving into the new realm of euthanasia. Let's knock off the next level of weak people - the sick.

At least the people of South Dakota are willing to put their foot down and say, "enough." I hope more states will follow their example.

Last week, Rounds was in Washington for a National Governors Association meeting where he found more pledges of donations and the support of some of his colleagues across the nation.

"There is a lot of interest in it here," Rounds said, according to the Associated Press. "And there are a number of states that have similar legislation. A lot of governors expressing support and wishing us good luck and suggesting that they will have similar types of proposals that may very well be favorably looked upon across the United States."

State lawmakers in Georgia, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi and Indiana also are considering legislation that would heavily restrict abortions.
