Monday, March 13, 2006

No God, No Inalienable Rights

Since the 1950's and 1960's, there has been a strong push to eliminate God from the United States. This push, conducted under the guise of "tolerance" and "respect" for those who do not believe in God, or have different religious beliefs than the traditional Judeo-Christian belief during the time of this nation's founding, has effectively taken God out of any public arena.

Now the government actively fights any mention of God, save on our money and on the Supreme Court Building.

What are our inherent, inalienable rights? Those granted by God. Government may neither bestow or deny these rights. Brave patriots died so we could enjoy these rights under a government that ruled to protect these rights.

What kind of "rights" do the government push? We heard a lot about the "Health Care Bill of Rights" and whatever imposed right du jour government wants to burden us with. Gun control, "the right to an abortion," on down the line. Government-sponsered "rights" are not rights at all. They take away from one group to add to another group. Unlike inalienable rights, which do not take away from one group to give to another.

Concurrent with the inclusion of all these new faux "rights" is the elimination of God from our public discourse. Against two hundred plus years of history, suddenly the First Amendment was declared to shut God out and completely protect all sorts of anti-U.S. thought and action.

Government realized that there is one way to deny inalienable rights - to convince the citizenry that there is no God. No God, no inherent, inalienable rights. Hence, our current state of affairs where the Constitution is no longer the absolute rule of law.

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