Act Now and Save Some Shred of the First Amendment
The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on H.R. 1606 as early as today. This bill, if passed, will amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to exclude communications over the Internet from the definition of public communication. This bill was introduced by Texas Congressmen Jeb Hensarling and Ron Paul.
Remember the blatant devastation of the First Amendment known from our "friends," John McCain and Russ Feingold? Thanks to their treasonous acts, organizations cannot engage in major "broadcast communications" which even mention a candidate in a favorable or unfavorable light within 60 days of a general election or 30 days of a primary.
The US Supreme Court continued allowed this abomination in the McConnell v. Federal Election Commission decision, where the Supreme Court, by a five-to-four decision, upheld McCain-Feingold.
The Federal Election Commission had narrowly interpreted the M-F legislation and wouldn't regulate the internet. This has changed since Federal Judges ordered the FEC to begin active enforcement on the internet (Shays v. Federal Election Commission) in compliance with the M-F regulation.
According to GOA, the FEC is doing everything in its power to minimize the impact of the Shays ruling. But, if H.R. 1606 isn't passed, the internet will not be exempt from FEC regulation. Hence, many major blogs and web sites - for that matter, what is to stop them from coming after small blogs? - will be considered as engaged in "electioneering communications" if they praise or criticize any candidate. This means they can be SHUT DOWN FOR 60 days prior to an election or subject to a gag rule, restricting and defining what they are allowed to say.
GOA recommends contacting your congressional representative (via phone, if possible, since the House will be voting any day now) and asking him/her to vote for H.R. 1606, the bill to exempt the Internet from McCain-Feingold. The toll-free number to call your representative is 1-877-762-8762. If you prefer, you can go to and write an email to your congressional representative.
GOA gave this sample text as a guide for phone calls:
The U.S. House of Representatives will soon vote on H.R. 1606, a bill by introduced by Texas Congressmen Jeb Hensarling and Ron Paul to exempt the Internet from regulation under federal "electioneering" laws.
Unless the Hensarling-Paul bill is successful, many major blogs and web sites could be shut down for 60 days before any general election -- and for 30 days prior to any primary.
Please support H.R. 1606.
As a side note (which I'd better write before McCain and Feingold take away my right to an opinion), both Senator John McCain, R-AZ and Senator Russ Feingold, D-WI are running for their party's Presidential nomination. Whether you are Republican or Democrat, send them a political message loud and clear that we don't want them or their Constitution-destroying, freedom-hating ilk in the White House.
First Amendment , McCain-Feingold