Thursday, February 02, 2006

No Wonder Dogs Can Be Mean

Drug dealers have been using puppies to smuggle drugs in from Columbia.

Veterinarians surgically implant packages of drugs into the dogs, and they are sent on to New York by commercial flight. Upon arriving at New York, the drugs are removed (at great peril to the puppy) and distributed on the East Coast.

Other tricks used by the Medellin drug cartel include concealing drugs in aerosol cans, the linings of purses and luggage, and my favorite (Darwin Awards, here we come)human swallowers - people who swallow bags of this stuff and, um, pass it back out after they've landed in the USA.

While some of the smuggling methods are just plain gross, some are kind of clever. Imagine if the creative people who push this crap actually spent time putting their creative brain power toward something that would benefit humanity.

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