Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Letter to the Editor

The Free Press only allows 150 words to respond, so I had to keep it short. Nonetheless, here is my response to the article:

I was disappointed in Chris Christoff’s poor representation of the self-defense bill now before the Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee. It almost appears he never read the proposed legislation. This bill nowhere allows “gun-toting citizens” to “shoot first and ask questions later.” Rather, this bill clarifies the rights and duties of those engaged in self-defense (with or without a firearm). It also lays out circumstances when deadly force may not be used.

This bill clearly and at great length states these self-defense protections do not apply to those engaged in illegal acts. It will not allow a gang member to get away with murder, no matter which anti-gun “expert” Mr. Christoff quotes.

“Now, Cropsey and the NRA want to tell trained gun owners: Remember those legal technicalities over blasting someone? Don’t bother. Just shoot.” Pure drivel, reported as fact. Unfortunately, the Free Press chose to place this article in the Local section instead of the Editorials.

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