Thursday, February 09, 2006

Let's Face It - There are Some Bad People Out There

Some people are just plain evil. What is so hard to understand? Why certain liberal elements in the US cannot understand, or accept, this plain and simple truth is beyond me.

Yet, these liberal elements want to make a case that the US was responsible for 9/11. They want to blame Denmark or a newspaper or whoever else for the current violence from the cartoon controversy. Newsflash: these elements are full of it. Why should the Danish people be responsible for the actions of a newspaper - and why should any person be killed over a cartoon? It was a cartoon, for crying out loud, and not even a funny one at that.

Some people (and this has nothing to do with religious preference, sexual preference -or orientation, if you prefer, economic status, etc...) are just plain evil. They like to hurt others, and the greater the number they hurt, the better they feel.

I keep hearing malarkey like "You can't lump all Islamic people in the 'dangerous' category." Yeah, no kidding. But you know what, it should be quite evident that some Islamic believers are very dangerous and want to inflict harm on us.

I don't know if liberals tend to think "if I am nice to evil people, they will only kill the conservatives," but it sure seems that way. Two words for libs who fall into that category: Neville Chamberlain. He appeased Hitler, sold out different ethnic groups, cut deals, and know what - Hitler still fought against the English, killing those who supported the war and those who didn't support the war. More recently, we saw innocent people settling in for a day of work die in the World Trade Center attacks - people of all faiths, including Muslims. People of all political backgrounds.

Wimpy liberal thinking extends to the dangerous streets of America. For some reason, murderous thugs are excused from their actions because of their background (too poor, didn't have same opportunities as the guy he knocked off, etc.) Guess what - murder is evil, and so are the people who excuse it.

Liberals - get this through your head: Evil will attack you no matter how "progressive" you are. Get serious about meeting it head on, or it will destroy you.

Before I get hate email or vulgar comments that I have to delete, don't play the "he is stereotyping people" poppycock - that is a diversion from the issue at hand. There is no stereotype... Evil people who do evil things are plain evil and dangerous to everyone. And those who make excuses for these thugs share in their evil deeds.

When Americans in general can heal themselves of their rectal-crainium inversion and exorcise the liberal "let's-all-hold-hands-and-sing-Kum-Bah-Yah" mentality, we might actually make our world, both domestically and internationally, a better place.

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