Friday, February 03, 2006

Gotta Comment on the Muhammed Cartoon Controversy

At the risk of alienating the huge Muslim readership of this blog, I have to comment on the ongoing controversy over the appearance of cartoons, containing the Prophet Muhammed, in a Danish newspaper.

More European newspapers published the cartoons on Friday, arguing freedom of speech was sacred, but angry Muslims staged violent protests against jokes they consider "blasphemous".

Jesus is portrayed by moron "artists" all the time in non-flattering, even blasphemous, ways. Stand-up "comics" routinely blaspheme. It happens all over the Western Hemisphere. My philosophy towards these kind of actions is simple: first, I get upset and complain; next I realize that Jesus is the Messiah, and God will remember these blasphemous acts as sin. It is God's job, not my job, to deal with the punishment, and he can do a whole lot more to punish someone than I am capable of, and we have thousands of years of recorded history to back this up.

If Muhammed is truely The Prophet Islam holds him to be, then Allah will take care of business with this artist and the newspaper.
