Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Dick Cheney

Well, at least one good thing came out of the Dick Cheney hunting trip... I didn't have to hear about the Cartoon Controversy BS.

I am sorry the VP was involved in a hunting accident - I am sorry when anyone is. His position has certainly provided ammunition to the anti-gunners. Most of the pro-gun blogs I've checked out are rather angry with Mr. Cheney.

Yes, I can see why. This is causing damage to the pro-gun argument. But at the same time, let's not be guilty of figuratively stabbing someone in the back. Mr. Cheney has been a supporter of gun rights for his entire career. He stuck his neck out for us. Now, he needs our support.

It was an accident, a very public accident. Let's use this in our education programs and as a constant warning that bad crap can happen at any time when we let our guards down and don't follow the basic rules of gun safety.

How many police officers are wounded in accidental discharges? Military personnel? This story wouldn't have made it into a local newspaper distributed for free at a Mom & Pop shop if it were Joe Average that pulled the trigger. Let's not over-react.

Slicing and dicing one of our own will not get us anywhere, and it is the wrong way to treat a loyal friend of the Second Amendment.

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