The Second Amendment is Not About Duck Hunting
Check out S.M. Head's website and blog.
My favorite article from his website is reproduced below. To find a direct link to this article, click here.
The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting (© 1999-2006 by S. M. Head)
I subscribe to the idea, like the founders our nation, that the 2nd Amendment is a guarantee of a pre-existing, personal, God-granted right - not a collective right or right granted to a militia or the National Guard. In fact, the constitution's 2nd amendment is not a grant of permission, but an acknowledgement of an "unalienable" right that we as a free people have, constitution or not. It takes a real sloppy twisting of language and a truly dishonest interpretation to squeeze out of the 2nd something it doesn't say. Its about an armed citizenry, solely and uniquely for the purpose of keeping our government from opressing its people. Period. It is in no way about hunting or sporting or personal self defense. But thats what the anti-gun liberals do - they lie, and amazingly they succeed at getting easily duped people to believe them. The issue of guns and gun control is not a minor political hot potato or a secondary topic to be treated lightly, it is the very insurance policy of the Constitution. After all, tyrants prefer unarmed victims.
Tags: Guns , 2nd amendment