Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Israel and Eminent Domain?

Apparently, Israel didn't learn from the Gaza Strip pull-out. The are at it again. This time in the West Bank, at the city of Hebron.

According to the article, "many of the families are armed." However, "there are no plans whatsoever on the part of the residents to use weapons. This is not what we're about. Still, there will be strong resistance."

In the meantime, it looks like their resistance is causing a pain in the neck to the government that would displace them.

"IDF soldiers, snipers and police took over several buildings that surround the marketplace, while the residents inside were busy preparing food for the dozens of protesters stationed near the structure in hopes of preventing the evictions."

The Jewish residents of Hebron will not win this battle.

This strikes me as interesting, because it reminds me of the Kelo v. the City of New London ruling. Remember this recent ruling - where the Supreme Court betrayed Americans and the Constitution? Eminent domain now means private investors can have a city condemn a property, kick out the residents, and let the private investors build - all because "public good" will come out of it with supposedly higher tax revenue.

How are these stories related? Simple - the government sticks it to the people, and then rewards the crook.

In the case of the Jewish residents of Hebron, their government is kicking them out of town, taking their property and giving it to a group of people who's leadership has sworn to destroy the Jewish people.

In the case of the USA, their government is now able to kick them out of town, seize their property, and give it to some rich guy who will build something on it that may pay more in taxes.

In either case, the governments' actions are based on lies, and it is the citizens who pay the painful price.

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