Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Governator Doesn't Have a License

I don't know why I find it a bit amusing that California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't have a motorcycle license, and has driven motorcycles for a long, long time.

As a motorcyclist myself, although legally licensed and insured, I know there is nothing funny about accidents. Fortunately, Governor Schwarzenegger only required 15 stitches, and his son was not hurt.

According to the New York Newsday, the Governor acknowledged that he never bothered to obtain a motorcycle license because he "never thought about it."

"I just never really applied for it," he told reporters during a state budget briefing. "It was just one of those things that I never really did."

It just seems ironic that in the most heavily regulated state in the Union, the leader of that state "never thought" about getting appropriate licensing. Now, I don't know how it is in California, but here in Michigan, it was common knowledge that you need an endorsement on your drivers license to "make you legal," although many do ride without a license. I have a little "CY" under the "endorsements" section of my license, kindly given to me by the Secretary of State after I passed the motorcycle tests - written and practical.

The fines could reach as high as $250, but the CHP deferred any ticketing to the LA City Attorney's office, who have yet to figure out what to do. I guess Governor's get a free pass when it comes to evading regulation. At least, until election time.