More Thoughts on Intelligent Design
What do scientists hold to be the truth regarding evolution vs. Intelligent Design (ID)? Obviously a majority of scientists still hold to evolution, but a growing percentage are examining and some even endorsing ID.
I don't understand why science teachers are afraid of mentioning that there are other ideas out there besides Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. If they don't want to teach about ID, fine. But is every theory challenging evolution really religion in disguise? Have we elevated Darwin to saint-like status and made evolution a de facto state-supported religion?
I personally wonder why any science teacher confident in the theory of evolution would mind a challenge from ID. If ID is so inferior, or simply repackaged creationism, shouldn’t smart, young students be able to figure this out? At what point does the education system feel safe in letting a student critically think for themselves?
I would like to see a head-on clash between the best of the scientists who back evolution and the pro-ID scientists. Let's have a very public debate and see all the evidence as presented by the best minds and communicators on both sides. I am tired of the portrayals of pro-ID scientists as minor league brains who fall for repackaged creationism. I am equally tired of seeing portrayals of pro-evolution scientists as evil athiests who fear their career and work will be forever invalid if they are wrong on Darwin.
Don't attack ID in court. Bring it to the forefront of scientific and newsworthy analysis and break it into pieces. Do the same with evolution. Investigate the teaching materials. Analyze every bit of the theories in microscopic detail. Put the investigators on shows like CSI to shame; be an example to them on how to do critical, open-minded, methodical, careful and thoughtful research.
When all is said and done, I imagine we would find strengths and weaknesses in both theories. Who knows, maybe we could make some significant advances in science education if both sides remember they are dealing with theory.