Saturday, December 24, 2005

Jose or Jesus?

The AP reports a judge in Manhattan allowed a man, the former Jose Luis Espinal, to legally change his name to "Jesus Christ", effective December 23. The former Jose stated "I am the person that is that name."

The judge allowing this change said she was "satisfied that this application is neither novel, nor would granting it pose practical problems." She also stated that name change applications usually are not denied just because the change might cause practical difficulties or be thought unwise, as long as a person with the same name does not object to the proposed change. She additionally stated that the former Mr. Espinal's "reasons were primarily those applicable to his own private religious beliefs and he stated no desire to use his proposed name to secure publicity, to proselytize, to fund-raise or advise others that he had been cloaked by the courts or government with a religious authority."


This may not sound very PC, but some guy changing his name to "Jesus Christ" is sick and wrong. His reasons for changing his name were "primarily those applicable to his own private religious beliefs"? I don't know what these "religious beliefs" may be, and something tells me I don't want to know. And isn't there something especially freaky about this man wanting the new name right at Christmas time?

He will not " or advise others..."? What is the point of changing your name to match that of Lord and Savior if you can't proselytize and offer advice. Does this gentleman think that the prayers of millions of Christians are now uttered to him? Does he consider these masses as his spiritual children? Does he know any of the Bible?

If you are in Manhattan anytime soon, don't drink any Kool-Aid offered you.