Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas and Government

I used to believe there was a war on all things Jewish and/or Christian by the US Government - all three branches. I'd think of the many court cases including the recent Dover Intelligent Design decison, the "is the display of the Ten Commandments constitutional?" fights, the ACLU vs. every municipality in America over the manger display battles, and so on.

We are daily reminded, especially by the ACLU, that there is a wall of separation between the church and state in our Constitution, or at least a wall is alleged wall to exist. And the government, by and large, appears to agree with the ACLU in most court cases.

So imagine my shock when I found out the US Government actually endorses religion - specifically the Christian and Jewish faiths. And as a concerned American, I want to make sure my government does not come out and endorse religion.

You can see the US Government's blatant endorsement of Christianity and Judaism for yourself. Go to the web page for the US House of Representatives ( and look at their schedule. It states very clearly that they break for Christmas and Hannukah. Further investigation reveals that the Judicial branch of government is closed, too, as are most members of the executive branch. Even state governments and local municipalities share in this atrocity, although usually only on Christian holidays. Are you shocked and appalled, too?

What kind of political leadership brazenly taunts it's taxpaying and voting base like this? How dare they violate the separation of church and state. Who are they to take their religion and cram it down our throats?

Join me in demanding that our government make a bold statement and work both during the Christian holy day of Christmas and Jewish holy time of Hannukah. I don't want to see a tacit endorsment of religion, either, through some slick semantic game like changing the name of the vacation to "winter break."

It gets worse - Congress also takes vacations on Passover and Easter. Thank God (I mean, thank the deity of your choice if you choose to believe in any deity, but if you don't it is ok, just be thankful in general) they do not take off Good Friday.

It is time that We The People stand up to the US Government. No more endorsment of religion. Stop celebrating religious holidays.