Screwin' Up - Golden Style
It's time for the Golden Screw-Up Award.
This week's contenders:
Al Gore, former Veep of these great United States, inventor of the Internet and now, Academy Award® winning documentarian! How's that electric bill coming, anyway?
Senator John McCain, who's campaign slogan must be "It's my turn, darn it!" But, Mr. Republican isn't effectively wooing much of the party base.
Our final nominee is actually a package deal: the three people in Colorado who (allegedly, of course, unless convicted in a court of law) swapped their baby for a downpayment on a used car.
And the winner is: Al Gore! Congratulations on a great ending to your award-winning week.
Wait, I can't do this. Nothing is more stupid than selling your kid. Sorry, Al, I have to do a recount - and you are losing this week to the sicko trio from Colorado.