Friday, March 09, 2007

Golden Screw-Up Award

Let's cut to the chase. Our nominees:

President George W. Bush, because he didn't have the fortitude or wisdom to pardon Scooter Libby. Mr. President, you'd better give your administration a healthy dose of Viagra or Cialis, because you guys are going to be completely impotent the remaining 1.75 years until Hillary gets in.

Ann Coulter, for her feelings toward John Edwards.

Al Gore, our perpetual nominee, for his do-as-I-say-but-don't-expect-me-to-be-inconvenienced-like-you-peons-should-be global warming efforts, high energy use, and "carbon offset credits."

This week, for many reasons, we'll offer an exemption to Ann Coulter. First, she's a fellow alum of the University of Michigan (even though it was the eeeevil Law School... that dark spot in Ann Arbor that produces drains-on-our-economy). Second, her comment wasn't a golden screw-up, it was well-calulated marketing gold - both for her and ironically for the Democrats using the remark against her. Third, she's the best columnist going. Fourth, my liberal family members hate her with a venomous passion, which makes the entire comment-thing that much more fun at family gatherings.

The envelope, please...

It is an inconvenient truth, but this week's illustrious winner is Internet Guru Al Gore. Congratulations.