Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Voting In Lieu of Blogging

Today is primary election day in Michigan.

In lieu of blogging, I'll be voting and then turning out the vote for some local 2A candidates.

Sadly, only 20% of registered voters in Michigan turn out for primary elections. Even worse, many of these voters come from another party and seek to skew the November ballot by voting for a weaker candidate. We last saw this on a national scene when Bush and McCain were dueling it out. Worried that Bush might win in 2000, Democrats flooded the polls to vote for McCain in the primary election, thinking he was much more likely to lose in a General Election. We often see this in the local scene.

On the bright side, theoretically, if only 1 in 5 registered voters show up, your vote for a 2A candidate today really counts as five votes.

A plea to Michigan Republican voters and 2A supporters:
Vote for Keith Butler for US Senate. Not only does he have a track record of action supporting the Second Amendment (as opposed to the obligatory lip service offered by most candidates), he has a proper, traditional constitutional view of the role of government. Additionally, he is the only Republican since before World War II to serve on the Detroit City Council. And unlike Sheriff Bouchard, Keith Butler can win a Detroit vote and beat anti-freedom, anti-2A incumbent Debbie Stabenow (D).